January 25, 2023
Staff Accomplishment

McJeon Will Serve as Guest Editor for Decarbonization Journal Issue

Journal issue will contain research on national strategies to reach climate goals

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Haewon McJeon will guest edit a special journal issue of research about national decarbonization pathways.

(Photo by Sean Eustis | Pacific Northwest National Laboratory)

Meeting the emissions goals laid out in the Paris Climate Agreement requires individual countries to develop decarbonization strategies. Haewon McJeon, an Earth scientist at Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL), will serve as a guest editor for a special issue of Energy and Climate Change dedicated to research on these decarbonization paths.

Energy and Climate Change is an “interdisciplinary journal covering the intersection of energy and climate-related fields.” It publishes research and review articles from both physical and social scientists. The journal aims to create dialogue and communication across different sectors engaged in developing solutions to problems in energy and climate change.

“Effective decarbonization strategies at national scales are essential for meeting our common climate goals,” said McJeon. “I’m excited to bring together best and brightest research to support nations’ decarbonization efforts.”

McJeon brings his extensive experience working with national decarbonization scenarios (in the United States, China, Taiwan, Korea, and Argentina) to the special issue. As guest editor, McJeon is responsible for inviting and selecting manuscripts for this special edition. He and his team are looking for manuscripts that range from the analysis of national decarbonization pathways to state, city, and business contributions to the national climate goals. Interested researchers can find more information about the call for papers and the submission process on the journal website.

McJeon has worked at the Joint Global Change Research Institute, a partnership between PNNL and the University of Maryland, since 2012. He has served as the lead Integrated Assessment Modeler for two White House reports on deep decarbonization pathways for the United States and contributed to a recent multi-laboratory Net-Zero World report on modeling decarbonization across the energy system. He holds a PhD and Masters in Environmental Policy from the University of Maryland and a BA in Economics from Seoul National University. He has published over 70 peer-reviewed publications in journals including Nature, Science, and Energy and Climate Change.