Data Scientist
Data Scientist


Tianzhixi (Tim) Yin is a data scientist who loves to answer meaningful questions using data. Well-experienced in statistical analysis, he spends most of his time developing deep learning models and reinforcement learning algorithms. The relationship between statistics and machine learning has always interested him. After completing his degree in math, he moved on to study actuarial science, which led him to statistics. During his doctoral studies, he applied machine learning/data mining techniques to smart grid big data. Currently, he is collaborating with scientists from various fields (mostly electrical engineers and material scientists) to conduct cutting-edge research using data analytics.

Research Interest

  • Deep learning
  • Machine learning
  • Reinforcement learning
  • Statistical data analysis


  • PhD in statistics, University of Wyoming, 2018
  • MS in actuarial science, Temple University, 2012
  • BS in mathematics, Xiamen University, 2010