Sheathless Interface for Coupling Capillary Electrophoresis with Mass Spectrometry (NIH iEdison No.0685901-13-0001)

Patent ID: 8436 | Patent Number 8,754,370 | Status: Granted


A sheathless interface for coupling capillary electrophoresis (CE) with mass spectrometry is disclosed. The sheathless interface includes a separation capillary for performing CE separation and an emitter capillary for electrospray ionization. A portion of the emitter capillary is porous or, alternatively, is coated to form an electrically conductive surface. A section of the emitter capillary is disposed within the separation capillary, forming a joint. A metal tube, containing a conductive liquid, encloses the joint.

Application Number



Smith,Richard D

Market Sector

Analytical Instruments