Research identifies the mechanisms through which peptoids affect ions in solution and a mineral surface, increasing the rate of carbonate crystal growth.
Three PNNL-supported projects are at the forefront of developing advanced data analytics technologies to enhance the U.S. power grid’s reliability, resilience, and affordability.
PNNL researchers are exploring the kinds of flicker waveforms that the eye and brain can detect, seeking to understand the different visual and non-visual effects that result.
PNNL has developed a decision tool that provides contractors and installers with the information they need to properly select and install cold climate heat pumps, which are a key technology for achieving decarbonization.
To improve our ability to “see” into the subsurface, scientists need to understand how different mineral surfaces respond to electrical signals at the molecular scale.
New research investigating water-lean solvents for carbon dioxide capture identifies the unique chemistry possible with their use, may lead to new design principles that move beyond single carbon capture.
Tennessee State University received Department of Energy funding to establish an academy focused on preparing students and professionals to work in an emerging field: clean energy systems. PNNL is helping with that effort and others.
Researchers at PNNL devised a new workflow for integrating life cycle analysis into building design, aided by a computational method that adapts existing software to net-zero energy, carbon-negative homes.
GUV can reduce transmission of airborne disease while reducing energy use and carbon emissions. But fulfilling that promise depends on having accurate and verifiable performance data.
The SHASTA program is doing a deep dive on subsurface hydrogen storage in underground caverns, helping to lay the foundation for a robust hydrogen economy.
PNNL helps deliver efficiency-related rules and requirements that steadily improve performance of America’s buildings, saving energy and costs and reducing carbon emissions.
Mandy Mahoney, director of the DOE Building Technologies Office, visited PNNL in late November. One key agenda item involved meeting with staff for a discussion of effective equity and justice integration in buildings-related research.
Department of Energy’s Advanced Research Projects Agency-Energy selects PNNL project to help accelerate the development of marine carbon dioxide removal technologies.
Soil is a massive reservoir of carbon, holding three times the amount of carbon than in the atmosphere. Soil is a massive reservoir of carbon, holding three times the amount of carbon than in the atmosphere.