PNNL-Sequim scientists will spend the next year testing a new technology that could allow the ocean to soak up more carbon dioxide without contributing to ocean acidification.
PNNL researchers developed the dummy payload to evaluate the performance of marine energy device prototypes in the Powering the Blue Economy: Ocean Observing Prize Competition.
A new, simple, and efficient flow-based method allows researchers to pull a useful magnesium salt from natural seawater using easily available chemicals.
Biomedical scientist George Bonheyo has been selected as chair of a new International Electrotechnical Commission committee charged with creating standards for researching and measuring biofouling on marine energy systems.
Sue Southard's one thousand dives as a PNNL staff member leave a ripple effect on efforts to keep our ocean healthy, our economy thriving, and our waters safe.
Incorporating green infrastructure into flood protection plans alongside gray infrastructure can shield communities, reduce maintenance, and provide additional social and environmental benefits.
Using existing fish processing plants, kelp and fish waste can be converted to a diesel-like fuel to power generators or fishing boats in remote, coastal Alaska.
Seven teams win the U.S. Department of Energy's DESIGN Contest for wave-powered systems to monitor hurricanes—part of the Ocean Observing Prize. PNNL administers the prize with National Renewable Energy Laboratory.