Early life exposure to polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), found in smoke, has been linked to developmental problems. To study the impacts of these pollutants, PAH metabolism in infants and adults were compared.
A team of researchers from Pacific Northwest National Laboratory and the Environmental Molecular Sciences Laboratory developed a new and flexible software tool called “Advanced Spectra PCA Toolbox.”
Three PNNL-affiliated researchers have been named fellows of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, the world’s largest multidisciplinary scientific society.
Researchers used a combination of sophisticated laboratory incubations and field measurements to determine the role of microbial production and consumption of methane in soils with different exposure to tidal inundation
Researchers devised a quantitative and predictive understanding of the cloud chemistry of biomass-burning organic gases helping increase the understanding of wildfires.
PNNL scientists have been studying how rivers and streams breathe. Their research focuses on respiration, organic matter, and natural disturbances that affect rivers and streams.
Spatial proteomics enables researchers to link protein measurements to features in the image of a tissue sample, which are lost using standard approaches.