The National Transmission Planning Study presents several transmission expansion scenarios that would reliably support the growing demand for energy across the nation.
PNNL computing experts Robert Rallo and Court Corley contribute their knowledge to a recent DOE report on applications of AI to energy, materials, and the power grid.
ChatGrid™ is a practical application of the Department of Energy’s exascale computing efforts and offers a new experience in easy, intuitive, and interactive data interaction.
Zhenyu (Henry) Huang acts as guest editor in an upcoming special issue on “Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation in Power and Energy Systems." The special edition is published by Elsevier.
Grid Forward, an industry association dedicated to promoting and accelerating innovation in the regional electric system, honored PNNL's Carl Imhoff with the 2021 Grid Innovator Award.
PNNL has released the first version of ExaGO, an open-source grid modeling software that can take advantage of emerging heterogeneous computing architecture to help grid operators plan ahead for extreme events.
As COVID-19 was limiting in-person contact, halting travel, and creating additional barriers, researchers at PNNL were working to find solutions on how they could still get work done while establishing new safety protocols.
Network Collapse, a virtual reality science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) app developed by PNNL researchers, has won a Gold Award from the 2019 International Serious Play Award.