Using regional meteorological data from an atmosphere reanalysis product, scientists identified 12 unique winter weather systems in the Puget Sound area, featuring differing precipitation and temperature responses to climate variabilities.
The Emissions Model Intercomparison Project examined how selected emissions-related properties affected results in 11 global chemistry and Earth-system models.
An energy expert and economist who has played a leading role in formulating and coordinating U.S. climate policy is the new director of the Joint Global Change Research Institute in College Park, Maryland.
A 19-person, multi-institutional national laboratory team received the inaugural Gordon Bell Prize for Climate Modeling from the Association for Computing Machinery for their work on more accurately modeling deep convective clouds.
New research shows how cloud shapes affect the process of cloud evolution, resulting in better understanding of how clouds behave, improving weather forecasts, and enhancing comprehension of climate systems.
Researchers use models to represent relationships between climate and socio-economic processes, helping inform decisions for slowing climate change and enhancing resilience.