PNNL staff scientist selected as a guest editor for a special issue titled “Ligand-Metal Complementarity in Rare Earth and Actinide Chemistry,” in the well-known journal Inorganic Chemistry.
Capstone engineering projects deliver equipment to improve accuracy of chemistry lab elutions and enhance training to safeguard critical infrastructure.
The Department of Energy Office of Nuclear Energy acting assistant secretary makes his first visit to a national laboratory in his new role, touring PNNL's Radiochemical Processing Laboratory.
How do you make an operational technology assurance course more relevant to attendees? Washington State University students brought a fresh perspective by designing and fabricating a realistic mock training system—a vintage-style glove box.
A team of scientists at PNNL developed new computational models to predict the behavior of these impurities and reduce the expense and risk related to actinide metal production.
Bradley Crowell with the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission sees advanced materials integrity, radiological measurement, and environmental capabilities on his first visit to PNNL.
The NNSA Office of Defense Programs recognized efforts of a team that made sure a $100 million basic ordering agreement was awarded and approved on time.
Katalenich was selected to attend the Grainger Foundation Frontiers of Engineering 2023 Symposium—an honor given to only 100 early-career engineers annually.