Data scientist at PNNL receives the Environmental and Engineering Geophysical Society and Geonics Limited Early Career Award for work with geophysical modeling and subsurface inversion codes.
Twinned nanocrystals have unique physical and chemical properties, a variety of which are detailed by a new study. These findings can help guide future efforts in controlling twinning and detwinning in gold nanoparticles.
Study explores Exploration of Coastal Hydrobiogeochemistry Across a Network of Gradients and Experiments, a consortium of scientists interested in the exchange between water and land in coastal systems.
This study demonstrates a new model that integrates complex organic matter (OM) chemistry and multiple electron acceptors to predict kinetic rates of OM oxidation.
A breakthrough in electron microscopy based on deep learning can automatically visualize and identify areas of interest, helping to speed advances in materials science.
PNNL computing experts Robert Rallo and Court Corley contribute their knowledge to a recent DOE report on applications of AI to energy, materials, and the power grid.
Practical decontamination of industrial wastewater depends on energy-efficient separations. This study explored using ionic liquids as part of the process, enabling efficient electrochemical separation from aqueous solutions.
PNNL scientist Gokul Iyer was co-lead author of an award-winning paper that assessed the impact of pledges of more than 100 nations to reduce greenhouse gas emissions
Three PNNL-affiliated researchers have been named fellows of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, the world’s largest multidisciplinary scientific society.