To improve reactions important for solar energy storage and fuel cells, the Center for Molecular Electrocatalysis (CME) Energy Frontier Research Center (EFRC) seeks to transform the design of electrocatalysts that convert electrical energy
The Center for Understanding Subsurface Signals and Permeability (CUSSP) Energy Earthshot Research Center (EERC) is working to develop the ability to predict and control fluid flow through fracture networks in enhanced geothermal systems.
PNNL is a leader in the integration of aberration-corrected electron microscopy, in-situ techniques, and atom probe tomography to address challenges in nuclear materials, environmental remediation, energy storage, and national security.
PNNL’s ESMI is a Laboratory-funded research and development (R&D) program focused on transforming and accelerating materials development processes for next-generation energy storage technologies.
The Ion Dynamics in Radioactive Environments and Materials (IDREAM) Energy Frontier Research Center (EFRC) conducts fundamental science to support innovations in retrieving and processing high-level radioactive waste.
The Isotope Program at PNNL supports scientific advances in the production and use of radioisotopes for research, medicine, and industrial applications.
PNNL is leading a consortium that provides funding opportunities to the automotive industry for accelerating new lightweight technologies in on-highway vehicles.
National laboratories, industry and academia are collaborating to provide electric vehicle manufacturers with batteries that are more reliable, high-performing, safe, and less expensive.