February 23, 2022

NRAP-Open-IAM: Generic Aquifer Component Development and Testing


The Generic Aquifer Model calculates the concentrations of dissolved salt and dissolved CO2 surrounding a leaking legacy well. The Generic Aquifer model can also estimate the size of an “impact plume” where concentration changes exceed user-specified thresholds. The model is a component of NRAP-Open-IAM, an open-source Integrated Assessment Model (IAM) developed by the National Risk Assessment Partnership (NRAP) to perform risk assessment for geologic CO2 storage. The input parameters were selected to cover a wide range of groundwater aquifers and leakage rates. The generic aquifer model was developed using a generative adversarial deep learning network, trained using a large synthetic dataset of STOMP multiphase flow simulations. The deep learning model predictions of dissolved salt and dissolved CO2 in the aquifer compare well to the original STOMP simulation results. The extent of aquifer impacted by leaking CO2 or brine is calculated using a user-defined mass fraction threshold. The aquifer impact volumes calculated based on STOMP simulation results compare well to those calculated based on the deep learning model. In a provided python script, gridded observation results from the generic aquifer component of NRAP-Open-IAM are converted to HDF5 format files for monitoring design with the DREAM code.

Published: February 23, 2022


Bacon D.H. 2022. NRAP-Open-IAM: Generic Aquifer Component Development and Testing Richland, WA: Pacific Northwest National Laboratory.