July 8, 2023

NRAP-Open-IAM Multisegmented Wellbore Reduced-Order Model: Improvement and Quality Assurance


The multisegmented wellbore model (MSW) semi-analytically estimates the amount of CO2 and brine leakage from a leaking legacy well by segmenting it into intervals to simulate site-specific stratigraphic and hydrogeologic properties. The model is a component of the National Risk Assessment Partnership Open-Source Integrated Assessment Model (NRAP-Open-IAM), which was developed to perform risk assessment for geologic CO2 storage. The new wellbore leakage model, which uses deep learning networks for a caprock segment, was developed to enhance the analytical MSW. The model was trained and validated using a synthetic data set of Subsurface Transport Over Multiple Phases (STOMP) multiphase flow simulations from various geological, well attribute, and operational conditions to ensure its quality. The results demonstrate that the model is more accurate than the existing model in predicting the transport of two-phase fluids (brine and injected CO2) through the well. This report provides a detailed explanation of the model development and quality assurance.

Published: July 8, 2023


Baek S., D.H. Bacon, and N.J. Huerta. 2023. NRAP-Open-IAM Multisegmented Wellbore Reduced-Order Model: Improvement and Quality Assurance Richland, WA: Pacific Northwest National Laboratory.