February 15, 2024
Journal Article
State-by-state energy-water-land-health impacts of the US net-zero emissions goal
Achieving climate neutrality by 2050 for the US requires not only significant changes in the energy system but also a holistic understanding of the environmental and sustainable implications. Here, we analyzed the cross-sector implications of four national net-zero pathways at the state level using an integrated modeling approach. Our results show that achieving the net-zero goal will require significant shifts in energy production and consumption between 2015 and 2050 (e.g., 170-200 billion USD/year capital investment in clean electricity), leading to reduced water withdrawal (120-210 km3/yr), avoided air pollution damages (220-300 billion USD/yr), and expanded forests. However, the capital and environmental implications of achieving the net-zero goal at the state level may not necessarily be correlated to a state’s contribution to national emission reductions. Our findings highlight the need for carefully planned and coordinated efforts at the state and federal levels to achieve the net-zero goal in a way that is both environmentally and economically sustainable.Published: February 15, 2024